In sessions I facilitate I'm often asked two questions when it comes to co-creating learning:
1) Is it okay to co-create learning with students?
2) How do I do it?
From my perspective, question 1 is asking Is it valid to partner and integrate learners opinions, voices, and choices when designing, implementing, and delivering learning? My response is always YES it is! In fact, there is a whole body of research (including mine) which states that schools and universities need to incorporate non-formal learning approaches, such as flexibility and choice, to engage and support all learners, particularly marginalized learners.
A few suggestions for how to co-create learning:
be flexible in one's approach,
offer learners choice,
integrate a culturally-relevant pedagogy (=way to teach) which is "committed to collective, not merely individual empowerment" (Zyngier, 2016)
For more information about ways to co-create learning and to book a session with Katy, e-mail
